Amazon FBA vs FBM: Choose the Best Amazon Fulfillment Option

Adam E. Wilkens


Two of Amazon’s most popular fulfillment methods for selling products online are Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) and Amazon FBM (Fulfilled by Merchant). Understanding the differences between Amazon FBA and FBM is crucial for making the best choice for your business. Both options have advantages and disadvantages, depending on factors like fulfillment fees, control over inventory and customer service, and the potential for increased sales through Prime eligibility, which is associated with Amazon FBA.

Amazon FBA vs FBM - Definitions

What is Amazon FBA?

FBA stands for Fulfillment by Amazon. This service allows sellers to leverage Amazon’s extensive logistics network to store and ship their products. With Amazon FBA, sellers can focus on marketing and customer service while Amazon handles the heavy lifting of fulfillment.

What is Amazon FBM?

On the other hand, FBM stands for Fulfillment by Merchant, where sellers manage all aspects of order fulfillment themselves. This option can be more cost-effective, as it doesn’t involve the extra expenses associated with Amazon FBA, like warehouse space or shipping costs. However, it requires more effort from the seller to manage inventory, handle orders, and organize packaging and shipping.

Amazon FBA vs FBM - Pros and Cons of Each Service

Pros of Amazon FBA

• Access to Prime Customers: With Amazon FBA, your products become eligible for Prime, giving you access to millions of customers who prefer fast, reliable delivery.

• Lower List Prices: Without the burden of shipping costs, you can offer more competitive pricing.

• Increased Sales: Products sold through Amazon FBA tend to have higher sales due to the trust and convenience associated with the Prime program.

• Automation: Amazon FBA offers automation through Seller Central, making it easier to manage your seller account.

Cons of Amazon FBA

• Fees: Amazon FBA comes with additional costs, including storage and per-item fees.

• Inventory Management: Managing inventory with Amazon FBA can be challenging, especially when dealing with returns or tracking stock levels.

• Longer Shipping Times: If your product is stored far from the end customer, delivery times may be longer.

Pros of Amazon FBM

• Control: Amazon FBM gives you full control over operational tasks like inventory management, packaging, and customer service.

• Cost-Effective: Self-fulfillment through Amazon FBM can be cheaper, particularly for larger or heavier items.

• Faster Delivery: With Amazon FBM, you can offer faster delivery times by managing logistics directly.

Cons of Amazon FBM

• Time-Consuming: Fulfilling orders through Amazon FBM requires more time and effort, adding to your workload.

• Shipping Costs: Shipping through Amazon FBM may result in higher costs, especially if you don’t have competitive freight rates.

• Customer Inquiries: Expect to handle more customer inquiries about order status, which can be demanding if you’re not equipped to manage high volumes.


Choosing between Amazon FBA vs FBM depends on your business’s specific needs. Amazon FBA offers convenience and access to Prime customers but comes with higher costs. Amazon FBM provides greater control and potential cost savings but requires more effort in managing logistics and customer service. The optimal choice will depend on your budget, resources, and how much control you want over your operations. For personalized guidance, consider Amazon consulting agency to help you navigate the Amazon FBA vs FBM decision and maximize your business’s success.